“09.11.15 – 15.11.15” – Where I Apologise and Gush Profusely haha~

Picture25 editedSo, it’s Sunday and not a Monday. The reason for this is that I have an essay due on Tuesday, and even though I have pretty much finished it (although it’s not great ^^”) but I know that I will just be stressed or not in the mood for anything because that’s what happens when I start thinking…

Anyway! Last week wasn’t a great one and my mood was not my friend. Although I did muster the courage to go and see the fireworks and bonfire near my uni on Saturday! They were so pretty ♥ (but I accidentally deleted my camera roll *cries*). So, I apologise for not doing any of the things I said I would in my last weekly post. But, saying that, I did enjoy doing the ones I did make and the response was lovely~ thank you!

So, for this week… I’m not going to be optimistic. This month is all about essays and I really need to crack down and do them and also actually learn the Japanese I am being taught in my own time. All of this actually hurts my soul! I really enjoy making posts for this blog even if not many people see it, I just love the idea of creating and giving my thoughts on things and then sometimes getting to hear other people’s thoughts as well ♥

I plan to:


  • Episode 8 of I Order You (I will get this done this week! Even if it kills me haha ^^”)
    • Top 5 moments halfway through (I don’t think this is the title… and if it is, it’s bad and needs to be changed haha ^^”)

MV/Song Reviews:

  • 4 walls by F(x) ♥

It’s not a lot and I wish I could do more, but that’s just not possible at the moment. I want to thank everyone who follows this blog, takes the effort to read my posts, like my posts and comment on them, or even if you just stumble here and have no idea where you are, I thank you! ♥ It seriously makes my day~

Thank you for reading~

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